Wednesday 21 December 2016

Patient counseling for UTI

Dietary modifications:
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid coffee, alcohol, and spicy foods, all of which can irritate the bladder.

  • Garlic is a natural antibiotic, which can improve immune function.
  • Vitamin C can enhance immune function. It may inhibit the growth of some bacteria in the urinary tract.
  • Cranberry is the herb of choice for bladder infections. Components in cranberry juice prevent bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder. If pure cranberry juice is unavailable, cranberry capsules may be substituted.
Advised patient to take following cautions:

  1. After going to the toilet, wipe from the vagina towards the anus (front to back) to avoid spreading bacteria.
  2. Avoid using strong or highly perfumed soaps, talcum powder or deodorants in the vaginal and anal areas.
  3. Urinate when the need is there and do not put it off.
  4. During your period, change tampons and pads regularly.
  5. Quit smoking. Smoking irritates the bladder and increases the risk of bladder cancer.
  6. Wear cool cotton underwear, rather than a synthetic material to help with ventilation.
  7. Avoid wearing pantyhose and tight jeans. Do not sit in cold or draughty areas, particularly when you are wet e.g. after bathing.

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